Welcome. You're about to hop on the Appalachian Trail and become part of the 2009 thru-hike of Chris Hennig, whose trail name was "Feed Bag." While Feed Bag took in all the personal benefits of spending hours alone in the woods (getting in better shape, crying, pondering the meaning of life), there is a purpose greater than that for which he hiked: to make the world a better place for children. And you can be a part of this journey starting now...and help make a difference!

Start Date: 3/29/09 End Date: 9/5/09

I hitch-hiked for the first time…

Filed under: Blog Posts — chrishennig @ 9:51 pm April 4, 2009

Today was my first car ride in a week. Boy, are cars fast. At one point we were going 1 mile-per-minute!! (That’s 60mph if you don’t want to do the math.) I’ve been averaging 2-3 mph. My hiking gears are similar to the speed of trucks on a highway. Steep uphill = super slow. Easy uphill = decent pace. Level ground = normal to fast pace. Slight downhill = fast as possible without falling. Steep downhill = slooooow.

Tonight is my second hostel night, this time in ridiculously beautiful Hiawassee, GA.  It’s so rewarding to emerge from the woods after a quick 11 miles, have free lunch as trail magic, get to a great place like the Blueberry Patch hostel where they do your laundry, feed you breakfast as their ‘ministry’ (donations accepted), and get a warm shower. Hiking is rewarding in and of itself. But I’m learning half the joy comes from setting a goal for a town 3-4 days away and relaxing there.

Anyway, thanks again for your encouraging messages. I’m planning on taking a full day off in Franklin, NC, where I plan to catch up and respond to all of them! That is if I survive the rain/thunderstorms tomorrow and Monday, and the freezing cold and snow we’re expecting on Tuesday. Oh how ironic that just a few hours ago I was sunning in the backyard, skin slightly burned in the 75 degree April sun.

Too tired to type my Trail Report. My thumbs are about to give up. (Update typed on cellphone.)

See you in Franklin, NC. I’ll post some pictures on the site when I’m there. Goodnight!


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